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Pendampingan Penelitian Ilmiah Topik Teknologi Informasi kepada Kelompok KIR SMAN 7 Yogyakarta
Antonius Rachmat

Last modified: 2017-10-24


Karya Ilmiah Remaja (KIR) is very important for introducing high school students to scientific research. One of the problems faced by KIR is the lack of competent supervisors who can produce good and qualified research. SMAN 7 Yogyakarta in collaboration with the DWCU Information Technology Faculty held joint activities in the form of adolescent research. This activity is a form of community service for FTI lecturers who become supervisors of SMA 7 students. The methods of research are using the consultative method, literature studies, participatory practices, scientific writing, and presentation of final research. This activity was followed by 9 teams with information technology topics. Each team consists of 2 students and is guided by 1 lecturer. All these research topics produced prototypes of both software and hardware products. The research activities carried out for approximately 7 months and produce research product, research report, and the research poster. Each group is required to present their final results. In the final presentation, there is an audition of research results and the best poster audition. Some of the research also will register in the national youth research competition.

Keywords— penelitian ilmiah remaja, pendampingan, SMAN 7 Yogyakarta, teknologi informasi.


penelitian ilmiah remaja, pendampingan, SMAN 7 Yogyakarta, teknologi informasi



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